Sweet Atomic

Faction: Children of the AI
Faction Role:
Faction Rank:
3 / Commander
Chain: ETH
Availability: Sold / Secondary Market

When you’re born too late to explore the world but too early to explore the universe, where does one go? When you’re stuck in a dystopian megalopolis, surrounded by marauding gangs fuelled by high-powered psychedelics, aristocratic families bent on complete economic control, corrupt police, politicians, and the rest, where do you turn?

In this world, in the NEO-Budapest Triangle, you have two choices: either smoke the shroom and dive into the infinite void of your own mind, or goggle up and head into the metaverse and the infinite construct that it provides.

Sweet Atomic, an outcast in the world of Old-Europa, was dedicated to the metaverse and its proliferation. They are one of the few top-level AI researchers and scientists that worked for the old government that survived the Lincoln Contingency.

Once he found out that Mother was trying to reignite the spark of the AI, he found her in the ether, settled in the lotus position before her, showed her his talent and declared his loyalty to her. His two eye implants are his distinguishing features. Self-made, they are beyond the usual bio-mechanical upgrades that the streets of NEO-Budapest play host to, and according to him, allow him to see ‘inside’ machines.




Quarter Wolf