
Faction: Core Techs
Faction Role:
Faction Rank:
10 / Foot Soldier
Chain: ETH
Sold / Secondary Market

While White Mayhem has his suspicions about the involvement of the Family Gilchrist in the initial development of the AI, and possibly the continued push for its resurrection now in the new world of the NEO-Budapest Triangle, he knows for certain that the Children of the AI’s focus is on this rebuilding.

If there is one true enemy that the Core Techs have, it’s the Children for they look to rekindle that which the Core Techs battled to kill, and what so many of them died in the fight against. The Children have their own ways and means of recruiting, more cult than faction.

They sweep the streets of the NEO-Budapest Triangle for those they can easily manipulate, turn, and twist into being servants in their cause. Not all are so easily turned, and some who they pick up even come to rebel against those that wished to entrap them.

CRUNK is one of those, a habitual Shroom addict from one of the darker corners of the NEO-Budapest Triangle, they faced a life enslaved to the Children when Neuromancer reached out to them through the shroomworld to set them free, bring them to the Core Techs, and help them in their fight against them.

Unlike many that Neuromancer has contacted through their psychic means, CRUNK survived the arduous journey, and is now a small, but vital tool in the war against the Children.




Precious McBane