The Peacekeepers
A brutal force, a paramilitary, an army. Mercenaries and guns for hire that aren’t in it for the power, they are in it for the violence.
How do you police a technocratic megalopolis on the verge of catastrophe, where most of the 250 million odd population are addicted to a high-powered hallucinogenic fungus, distributed by heavily armed roaming gangs? Well, the simple answer is, you don’t.
The colossal swathe of Old Europa, for everything that it was, was largely a peaceful place. People lived and worked, loved, and hated. It had its problems, like any other civilisation of any other time and place, but it held itself together and most of its people had a social conscience.
The rise of NEO-Budapest didn’t see the need for a new form of policing, as there was no sense of civic virtue or social conscience left. The new government forged itself from ruthlessness and corruption, and it didn’t need a policing arm to protect its citizens, it needed a force to keep them in line. Out of the Osiris Ministry, we saw the formation of The Peacekeepers.
The gangs of the Triangle each have their own ways of holding onto power within its colossal walls. The government, the corpos, the aristocrats, they each employ their own individual tactics, with some overlap, and some reliance on each other to ensure they maintain their positions. It is a careful balance, and occasionally one will let their guard down, and fractions of power will change hands.
The Peacekeepers are different; they are a brutal force, a paramilitary, an army. Mercenaries and guns for hire that aren’t in it for the power, they are in it for the violence. They feast on bloodshed and will work for everyone and anyone that bids the highest and provides the most carnage, which means most of the time they are on the side of the Osiris Ministry, the Tehran Corporation and the Family Gilchrist.
In some ways, they help the citizens of the Triangle, as they rarely need to go after anyone outside of the gangs and factions, but as soon as you pick a side, you become fair game, and you better be ready, because they are always on the hunt.